Monday, June 27, 2011

Connecting to the Savior through Joseph Smith

167 years ago today the prophet Joseph Smith Junior was murdered by an angry mob of over 150 men.  On this special day I want to write about my testimony of Joseph Smith.

I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.  He literally conversed with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  In Joseph Smith's day the true church, Christ's church did not exist on the earth.  I know Heavenly Father chose Joseph Smith to restore the Gospel to this earth.   I know that Joseph Smith did not write the Book of Mormon.  He translated it.  Joseph Smith sacrificed a great deal for his efforts.  He was persecuted.  His family was persecuted.  His people were persecuted, but he held fast to his faith.  His sacrifices have blessed the lives of millions and will continue to do so.  Because of the Book of Mormon I have an even greater testimony of Christ and his love for me.   Through the study of this book I have grown closer to my Savior and my Heavenly Father.  I have read the entire book cover to cover and I have prayed asking with a sincere heart if I what I read was true, and it has been confirmed to me, by the Spirit that it is true.  It absolutely is true.  If any of you would like a free copy of the Book of Mormon, please e-mail me your address ( and I would love to send you one.

I am so grateful to have the Book of Mormon as a companion to the Bible to help guide me in this life.  It is my greatest treasure.   

Here is a link to the introduction of the Book of Mormon.  In this introduction you will find the testimonies of multiple witnesses to the truthfulness of this book.

The Book of Mormon is true.  The Gospel is true.  Joseph Smith is a true prophet.  I know that revelation to men did not stop in biblical times and it did not stop with Joseph Smith.  It continues on today through our Prophet Thomas S. Monson.  I know my Savior better and understand what he wants of me even more, because of Joseph Smith's sacrifices.   I am forever indebted.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Today I was cleaning my house while both boys were taking a nap.  I wasn't looking forward to cleaning as I had let the house get a little past messy.  I tried to call a few sisters, my Mom and a couple friends to keep me company while I cleaned, but no one was available.  So It was just me, my church music and thoughts.  As I cleaned I went over my lesson in my head that I will be giving in a couple Sundays.  I thought about the day Boston was born and felt so blessed.  My thoughts trailed from one thing to the next, but two things stood out to me today.

One was the thought that I want to be sort of an advocate for women.  (I'll do another post on that later). 

The next thing that happened was amazing.  Let me give you a little back story.  When Boston was born we had music playing on Pandora (Hillary Week's station).  The moment Boss was placed on my chest I remember the nurses saying, "wow it's like this song was meant to play right now".  Sadly Dane and I couldn't remember the song he was born to because we were so caught up in meeting our little man.  We remembered that one of the songs playing after he was born said something like, "we will love you, we will take care of you" but we couldn't remember THE song that played the moment he was born.

Back to I'm cleaning Boston's song came on.  It hit me like a ton of bricks and I remembered that this was HIS song!  I was so excited.  It is a beautiful song about Christ's birth.  It took me right back to Boston's birth and what a spiritual experience it was.

Here is the song.  It is called "Here with Us" by Joy Williams. 

I had such a wonderful morning cleaning and having time to just ponder.  I think the Lord took that opportunity to help enlighten me.  I think I will look for more opportunities like this in my life.  :)

PS We have decided we will keep track of each of our children's birth songs down the road.  :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Things that Matter Most

This is a great, short video that reminds me to have an eternal perspective.  This life has it's challenges but there is a purpose to it and there is so much beauty in all of it.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Son

Last year my son was born and my life was forever changed.  I often read to him, "On the Night You were Born" and in that book there is a line that says, "and the night wind whispered life will never be the same".  Every time I read that line I think, "how TRUE that is".  My life will never be the same and I thank Heavenly Father every day for that. 

I have always known that Heavenly Father exists and I have always believed that he loves me and knows who I am, but I never understood quite what that meant until I had a son of my own.  I love my baby more than I ever knew I could love.  I would do anything for him.  I cherish all of my memories with him.  I look back fondly on my first days with him.  I think constantly of his future and I am trying to better myself for him.  I would sacrifice anything for him.  I teach him and sometimes (although it's hard to watch) I let him struggle so that he can learn and grow.  I know that if I could not be with him I would miss him desperately and I would anxiously await for him to come home.

Heavenly Father feels this very same way about me, only his love is even MORE and is a PERFECT love.  Can you imagine being loved perfectly?

A good friend of mine (who also has a little boy) and I were talking one night about how much we are going to miss these days with our little boys once they're all grown up.   We talked about each little memory we would miss, and then I said to her, "Do you think our Heavenly parents talk about us in this very same way"?  She replied that she thought so, and as we talked we both felt strongly that we were on to something.  It hit me then and there that Heavenly Father actually does KNOW Me.  Not  figuratively, but literally.  He has memories with me and misses me and knows my weakness' and strengths and wants me, (Jill) to come back home to him when my work here is done.  As this feeling overwhelmed me I felt like I could hear Heavenly Father shouting down to me, "Yes!  You're starting to get it.  Of course I know you Jill!  Of course I love you!  I want you to ALWAYS remember that".

In just 9 shorts months (since my son was born) I have learned more about the Savior's and my Heavenly parents love for me, then I could ever have imagined in the rest of my 26 years.  I understand why being a parent is a great part of Heavenly Father's plan.

Here is a link to a beautiful song my sister in law showed me at Christmas time.  It's a song from the perspective of Joseph on the night the Savior was born. 

This is what I know

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and have been all of my life.  My testimony is a continual work in progress and I imagine it always will be.  I am growing my testimony in all different areas of my life. The pattern to growing a testimony is to start with hope, which leads to belief, which then leads to knowledge.

This is what I know of with a surety.

I know I have a Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.
I know I have a brother, Jesus Christ who died for me and everyone else that has ever or will ever live on this earth.
I know my Heavenly Father, Mother and Jesus Christ all love me dearly and know me personally. 
I know that my earthly family is also an eternal family because we are sealed together in the Temple.
I know that all families can have that same opportunity to be sealed to their loved ones not just for time, but for all eternity in the Temple.
I know that life on earth is a small yet important piece of our eternal life.
I know that I do not have to be perfect now to live with Heavenly Father again. 
I know that Heavenly Father wants all of his children to return home to live with him again.
I know that my son is a being born without sin. He is a child of God, just like I am and just like all of you are.  
I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ is absolutely true and It is available to all that seek it.  
I know that it is never too late to learn about Christ and learn how to follow him so that you too can have eternal life. 

A change in perspective

After attending my Grandpa's funeral a few weeks ago, I have felt my perspective shift slightly from things of temporal importance to things of eternal importance.  As I have started viewing my life with an eternal perspective, my personal mission has become clearer to me as well as how best to live my daily life.

My Grandpa led a humble and remarkable life.  He and his wife have a child like faith in their Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  They are both active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as am I.  They knew what their missions were on this earth and I believe they both lived and are living up to their potential.  My Grandparents lived a life of service.  The way they served others and their Heavenly Father the most was through sharing the Gospel with others.  My sister said this about my Grandma, "If you have met Bertha in this life, then you know you have had the chance to hear the Gospel" and that is not an exaggeration.  She shares the Gospel like a gift (because that's what it has been to her) with EVERYONE she comes in contact with.  I have decided that I would like that very same thing said about me.  I believe it is one of the ways I can serve my Heavenly Father the most. 

So this blog is part of that effort to share the Gospel with all I come in contact with.  I have many friends express their varying beliefs on facebook, blogs, etc... I have always preferred to be someone that STANDS UP FOR THE GOSPEL quietly.  But I feel inspired that I now need to share my testimony BOLDLY so that others can share in my same joy.  

This blog will be of my testimony as well as my testimony building experiences.  
If you would like to do a guest post and write your testimony (you don't have to know me or even be of my same religion necessarily) I would LOVE to post it.  Please e-mail me at